Monday, February 3, 2014

1st Week in Ecuador!

From Monday, January 27, 2014

It felt so good to talk to you all on Monday before I took the plane to Ecuador! new area. :)
I am serving in Quito! I am so excited as I write that. Honestly my emotions are usually all pretty calm and even until I get to writing my emails....then it all just comes out!!! Woooo! My companionship was a trio for most of the week, but now my true blue companion is Hermana C. She will be my trainer as I begin this incredible mission. But, before that, let me introduce you to Ecuador, starting with the airplane ride here after our phone call Monday.

I was pretty intent on speaking to someone about the church. After all, I was wearing the plaque, had received nearly 3 weeks of MTC goodness, and knew I had the privilege of representing Jesus Christ full-time now. Incidentally, I sat next to 2 nuns to my right, and a cute young lady to the left. I reeeeally wanted to say something, but you know, timidness was playing me...hard. I let the moments go by and....nothing. So I somewhat gave up. But still had the internal intent. The goal. And I'm not one to just let goals slide either.

Anywho, we were getting close to landing and I decided just to move to another seat in order to look out the window to view Ecuador as we landed. I sat there for a good time. Then, after a several hour-long flight, the last 15 or so minutes are never to be forgotten. The man behind me didn't realize I was sitting there, so he put his feet up and full on kicked my arm. After giving him a nasty look (no, just kidding) he apologized and began asking me about the church. He said he has been having problems in his marriage and with the Catholic church he belonged to he didn{t feel the pastor was reliable or valid. I had a discussion with him about the restored church upon the earth, and about the prophet who is Gods mouthpiece on the Earth today, who has the proper authority of God. We pretty much talked about the Restoration. I gave him a little card and explained how to find the church after we land.

I saw the Lord's sense of humor in all this. He knew I had this intent...this goal of speaking to someone. But to me, it was as if He was watching me the whole time like, "Is she going to do it or not?" Then, at the last moment it seemed to me as if He rolled His eyes at me a little bit and gave me this man to talk to as if, "Fine. You are new at this, so here's this nice man for you so you can accomplish this goal." He makes things easy for me sometimes hahah.

When I landed. First of all, the smell made me smile. I easily remembered being 6 and coming here to visit. And I basked in it, and took it all in. Two sisters were there with a sign to welcome me. Since it was late, President wasn't able to be at the airport that night. These two sisters were so excited to receive me and welcome me into their home until President was able to meet with me and assign me my area.

As our driver sped up, down, and around the winding road, I remembered Dad's stories of the drivers and buses here. And I clenched to the seat for dear life haha. The streets were dark outside the window, with trees and shadows of hills in the distance in every direction. The sisters told me the nights aren't usually so foggy, but this night it was so intensely foggy; we couldn't see beyond about 30 feet of the road at a time. It was serene, and quiet, and beautiful. The fog scattered the yellow streetlights. It felt like we were driving through a pop'up storybook. Very ghoststory-ish...but it wasn't scary I promise :). I obviously enjoyed every moment of it.

In this mission, the roads are very rough and broken up. The view is gorgeous because of all the hills and views of houses at different elevations for miles on end. But, it's a little hard to look up at the view all the time because I'm too focused on the road at my feet, making sure not to miss a step and trip on the broken up sidewalks. The pedestrians here are invincible and fearless. Taxi and other drivers going at 50-60 mph down narrow roads doesn't phase them. The timing of cars and pedestrians crossing is just right, enough for the ped to provide a little car polish service, and for the car to give the ped a little breeze in return. Whew. Gameface. Its pretty incredible, actually.  I can see how shoes go fast in the mission :)

Anyway. From day one I have been eating like a champ. Rice, meat, and soups. I have cooked plantains twice now for breakfast. The mamitas who feed us here and very giving. I am very grateful that I already feel familiar with Ecuadorian food and the culture a little bit. It's a huge blessing, de verdad. :) And MOM. I am so grateful for the Spanish I already know from you and Dad. It has been a huge blessing. One week in, and I have felt the Lord speak through me almost to the investigators we have been teaching. I don't focus on the words I use, but the way I say things. Once again, I have opened my mouth, and they have been filled.
Side note: a few people have commented on my Castellano hahah. I didn't even knew I spoke Castellano until I got here and people have pointed it out. Its not Argentinian Castellano, but I do have some all the same. Then I remembered that Dad learned from a Castellanilian companion on his mission that answers that. :) I love it.

Also, in my district.....this is incredible....miraculous....I can't even......well in my district, my district leader (my dad of the mission) is named Elder C. REMEMBER THAT! Elder C. served two cambios with Elder Lopez! My COUSIN!!!! I have met SO MANY people that know my cousin....and that have either served under him or with him. Everyone here who knew him speaks soooo highly of him! And I'm just like "Yep! That's my cousin!" I love itttt!!! Elder C. and Elder Lopez are such good friends and they write often even still. His mission companion is my mission papá! Cheeeevere. :)

Also, this week my companions were expecting two people to be baptized over the weekend. As we spoke with the investigators, they seemed to be experiencing more and more doubts. One of them we will work with this week to hopefully be baptized this Saturday. The other one has been facing immense difficulties in her life.  Try as we might to soothe her concerns and testify of how being baptized and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost would help her, she continued to face doubts. Then, this Sat and Sun she decided she needed to go out of the area a bit to take care of some family concerns. "Chuso," we thought. That means she wouldn't be getting baptized this weekend after all. But we fasted anyway, praying in our fast that she would in fact be confirmed this Sunday. That's how specific we were.

The weekend passed. We went to church on Sunday. No contact with her, since she was out of town anyways. Then Sunday afternoon, we ran into her and her husband on the sidewalk. We asked to visit them later in the day. She explained that she didn't end up going out of town after all, and that they didn't attend church because this weekend has been very difficult for them: a test to their faith.
We had a long discussion with her. I offered that someone would come to give her a priesthood blessing. A young gentleman came over. He had been very involved in the missionary work here. He is energetic and incredible.  He spoke with her, explained the story of Lehi's vision of the tree of life. How, there are three types of people: those who never grab hold of the iron rod and give in to temptation from the start; those who grab hold, endure the temptation, then fall away; and those who grab hold, endure temptation, and receive that gift of eternal life at the end.
He really motivated and inspired her. Then, just like that, she agreed to be ready and get baptized that very night. In 30 minutes, in fact!!! We had a baptismal service for her that night, and she looked beautiful. Upon speaking with the bishop, he also made an exception to also allow her to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost that very night as well. Her husband, a convert of not quite a year, was able to baptize her.

I was told before my mission to expect miracles. And with prayer, faith, and fasting, by golly have we found them. So please. Believe, ask, fast...and expect miracles. Because Heavenly Father answered ours that day. It was special to see her long braided hair (courtesy of me :)) as she sat there in her white clothes, ready to enter the straight and narrow road, leading to eternal life with our Father in Heaven. She still had difficulties to look forward to, but not without the help of the Spirit in her life now. She commented afterwards that she felt "cold" because of the water hahah, but then she commented that she felt "clean." Although her husband had to perform the baptism 3 different times to do it correctly. he had such a big smile afterward and even looked a little giddy.
I hope that I can see more of that as the time goes on. I know how important this covenant is, and how it has helped me in my life and in the life of my family. I would like to say that I embrace the joy I feel from knowing this is true, but in reality, it embraces me. My companions and I left her house that afternoon performing mid'air heelkicks - in skirts - as we ran to get things ready for the baptism.
How can this church not be true, when we constantly see joy like this? And the best part is, its an eternal investment.
I love you all!
Thank you for your love.


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