Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 5! "Short and Sweet"

From 2/24/14

Unfortunately I won´t be writing much this week. I spent more time today elsewhere on the computer and only have time for a quick note today. 

Yesterday Hna C and I were encased in our apartment all day after church because of elections that were going on in the country. So we made a deliciiiious lunch with a papaya/mango/banana fruit drink and everything! The food was delicious and was very home-y.

I missed home a little bit this week. We went to one of our mamita´s homes this week for lunch and they were listening to full on 80´s music. Ohhhhhh no. I loved it a little too much. But I also missed home because of it hehe. Then today, we went to the offices then to a huge mall in Quito called Quicentro. We ate lunch there for N´s birthday today. But the entire time, Hna M and I were dying because they were playing country and other realllllly good songs that we knew. We kept looking at each other when a good song came on until eventually I said, "No me mires!!!" when she gave me a look that read ´this song is so goood, I am so tempted to sing right now.´hahah

We had some incredible experiences this week where we were able to place hand to hand some dark, obscure experiences with complete, emblazoning miracles.

Remember the Cr family from last week? Their son, A was baptized Saturday! They weren´t home when we stopped by to take them to church, so we left after waiting a few minutes. But, we decided to pray for them to be home, and returned. I can feel the difference between when I pray in faith, knowing it will happen, versus when I pray with even the minutest of doubts. But, we prayed in faith. And when we returned, he was there with his father and brother J. And he was baptized.

I feel the need to explain that random picture of a lady in her kitchen from last week. That is Hna G. She is the one who taught us how to make Corbiches. She is also the one who fed us the plantains that I had to hide in my undershirt. heheh I don´t know why a lot of people don´t smile in the pictures; she is one of the friendliest, laughing people I know. But notice all the plantains?? She is from Esmeraldas....yeah. That´s why heheh :) I love her.

Also, I meant to say there were 7 Hermanas in my newbie missionary group, not 4. If ever something doesn't make sense that I say, it´s probably because of a typo heheh Sorry.

And, last week I bought a Libro de Mormon in Quichua!!!! Best thing ever. Very different than Spanish, but I was so thrilled when I spotted it in the offices last Monday.

I love you all!! Until next week :)


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