Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Week 48! "Merry Christmas!"

From 12/24/14

¡Feliz Navidad!

Hello family and friends!
Just one year ago I was thinking a lot of my little sister, recently entered into the missionary training center, and wondering myself what the year would bring. I packed my suitcases and made my own final preparations. 18 months away from would be an adventure. And a challenge. Just the challenge I was looking forward to.

And, now I can reflect and see how much of a blessing this year has been. This year was something special. This year was a gift.
 have now served in various areas of Quito, and am currently in the beautiful country of Otavalo. I have been able to see lives change and families grow closer together....And just imagine, every year gets better and better. This is because, every year, we learn to discover and accept more the greatest gift of all, our Savior Jesus Christ.

He is the center of everything. He overcame death and He overcame sin. His love and infinite Atoning sacrifice allows us to resurrect and be purified -- forever free from sin and guilt. We can have eternal life and become like Him. We can be with our families forever! What a blessing!!This season is the most natural time of year to draw ourselves closer to Him by finding out who He is, accepting Him in our lives, and share this joy with those who surround us.

I have felt for myself, and know, that He is the Gift.

I am grateful for all of you and hope you feel the peace and love of our Savior this season.

Con Amor,

Hna Fernelius

Misiòn Ecuador Quito Norte
"El Centro Del Mundo -- Centrados en Cristo"

Last Tuesday we went to Quito for a Christmas lunch. We had a white elephant exchange and I got a little money pouch with two key chains! jaja. The gift I gave away was a little box of Christmas lights. Lunch was super yummy with mashed potatoes and turkey...mmm. We also sang a little and the other zone did a skit that, unlike Ashley`s (jaja), turned out super good. :)

For the song that my zone sang, I played left hand and Hna S (she`s like my sister) played the right hand. It was really fun. I haven`t done that since playing left/right hand with Amy or Ash :P
Mashed potatoes and turkey...mmm
My hair was so short!

She is SO cute. This is how they dress especially for church Sunday.
This little guy`s name is Wimper.....really. jaja. His voice is similar to the little kid`s voice with the toad in Little Rascals....not kidding. This little guy is great. His little sister, Kimberly, is also super cute. Don`t let this picture fool you though, they are super violent with their animals! :P
And me, washing clothes on la piedra :)
And me playing the piano at the ward activity :)
RS president...Now THIS is how you do ward party food. In ginormous pots jaja














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