Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week 15! "Catholic University"

NOTE: This is the email following Mother's Day, when Tiffany was allowed to Skype with us.  We ended up with Tiffany on one laptop and Ashley (her younger sister who is serving in Mexico) on the other.  It was a little hectic, and there wasn't a lot of one-on-one time with either of them, but it was still very enjoyable.  I'm presuming that's why there was no email to post for the week of 5/5/14.

Tracy Fernelius (Tiffany's dad)

From 5/12/14

This week was funny and interesting. :)

But first. It really was good to see you all. I had a few ideas of what *could have* been said in the conversation, but none of it ever came out jeje. Maybe in a more personalized setting it would have been different in that sense, but honestly, just seeing you and hearing your voices was all that was needed. I didn`t even feel the need to ask any more or comment on much, but the feeling was mutual that we were content with just that. And that the Lord is continuing to watch over and bless us from all sides of the screen.

This week we got a call from our Ward Mission Leader. He sounded so excited that I could hardly understand him, well, partly because any time he speaks with me he likes to "practice" his English jaja. But, once he got ahold of himself and was able to speak more coherently, he mentioned that we (Hna U and I) were invited to speak at a university in Central Quito the next afternoon. What?! Us? There are three companionships in our ward...go ask one of them! Well, that is what I thought at first.

I sounded unsure at first, knowing it was short notice and we already had appointments for the next day. But, he asked me to obtain permission, then let him know if we could ASAP. I asked...the Asistentes said no, but that we should ask President Richardson for a second opinion. I didn`t want to lose a good opportunity if he thought it was one.

My heart was pounding; "I don`t want to call President Richardson...you do it!" I told my companion.

But, when I called, I thought maybe President would want to send missionaries who actually worked in that sector. But, he said that the missionaries he would think to send would all be in the "new missionary" orientation that day.

So he asked me, "What do you think, Hna Fernelius? Do you trust your Ward Mission Leader?"

Gulp. I didn`t respond right away. Then I turned the question around jaja. "President, do you think it`s an opportunity we should take? I mentioned to our ward mission leader that I don`t think we can because we have appointments that afternoon."

"Hna Fernelius, if you feel this is a good opportunity, then ask your zone leaders if they would be willing to go to this university. I trust them. We need missionaries to go whom I can trust and will be dignified."

"Ohhhkay," I finished.

My zone leader accepted. It would be an opportunity to speak to many students about the history of the church a little, or in other words, the Restoration of the Gospel. But President said, if the elders accept, he wanted Hna U and me to go as well.

After the plans were set for that coming afternoon, our mission leader then informed us that it wasn`t just any university, it was a Catholic university. Oh man. jaja. But it turned out well. We taught a little about the obra misional, a little about the commandments, and about the Book of Mormon. The students weren`t great listeners, but I believe that was just the nature of the school. The professor was more interested than anyone. Later, Hna U told me there was a papa there too. Jeje it was fun.

This week, Hna U and I were able to have some effective street contacts and references. We felt a lot of enthusiasm as we proclaimed of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is something about the way we behave, or act, that changes the entire nature of our conversations with others. When we FEEL excited about our message, others feel it too. They can`t help but listen even for a little bit to see what it is that we`re so excited about.

In the Book of Mormon, the prophets use the phrase "I know" 101 times. The power of a testimony is so crucial in the work of the Lord. And bearing a testimony effectively, with conviction, is a huge tool in the conversion of others.

One part of an article my companion and I read today says, speaking of attitude, "Pessimists see in every opportunity an obstacle. Optimists see in every obstacle an opportunity." Instead of praying to take an obstacle away from us, we should pray for the strength, patience, and wisdom to overcome it. Otherwise, we are limiting our own progression.

The power of being friendly, loving, even playful is important when we are looking to have true conversion. But unless there are also definitive standards that we represent, with unquestionable valiance to live them, there is no way the people are going to see the power of the Lord within us. Or respect the conviction within us.

I am still learning the importance of being obedient. I love obedience. I always have. But subtle temptations are enough to lose the blessings the Lord could have given us, had we been obedient. When we receive blessings in this life, is it based directly upon the principle of obedience associated with it.

I know the mission for me is the place where I can be refined by the Lord. That, "(my) faith will be tested and made strong to withstand the storms." And that is a wonderful time and opportunity. I have already been blessed with a variety of experiences and opportunities, and I hope that the Lord will continue to mold us all during this special time. If we let Him.

I love you all! I am grateful for you! I am grateful for the chance I had to see you! But I hope that soon I will be able to give 100% of my thoughts, actions, and service to the Lord. And leave my own imperfections behind. I hope to have several challenges to `stand alone` in the future, and to always choose to obey the Lord.

"This week was a great experience. I am studying the attribute of 'Virtue,' which is perfect with the challenges and opportunities that came along with the week. As I was thinking a little about what it means to be 'virtuous,' I began seeing many connections it has to being obedient to the Lord. Virtue is not giving in to temptation, it`s true. But it`s also eschewing away sin and even hating it. It`s loving the people we teach so much that we hate the sin that they may be participating in.

This has helped me to be a better pillar in the work of the Lord, because it`s allowing me to realize how NEEDED we are. There are too few people who live the gospel of the Lord, and so many people who have yet to be shown the way. In Prov 23:7, it says that as we think, so are we. This week I felt a little tested by the Lord. The adversary knows me well, and he knows that sometimes the subtle temptations are hardest to resist, such as with our efficient and obedient use of time. I am learning a lot about obedience and building a character of valiance. No one can destroy the character we are building -- only we can do that through disobedience.

We have a sacred desire to find a family to baptize, as I`m sure I`ve mentioned before. And yesterday, we were able to contact two homes with families who are dispuestos to hear and receive the gospel in their lives! We feel that we have found the families the Lord desires us to teach.

Through our desires to be diligent, obedient, and faithful, I feel that the Lord is very mindful of us. I know this is the time to invite Him to refine us and teach us to be faithful, so that we can withstand the storms ahead and be valiant pillars in this effort to proclaim Truth.

I am grateful for my companion and for the many opportunities for growth in the mission. I am also grateful for the blessings of having righteous examples in the scriptures, which help me to recognize and overcome the subtle pressures from those that don`t understand the blessings of virtue and obedience.

I am excited for the investigators we will teach this week! I know that valiance comes into play when we have goals to reach, because that is often when the adversary works the hardest. But every week so far has gotten better and better! And we're rockin' it! :)"

Side note:

Today we took the bus to see a zoo in Guayllabamba. The members here told us it was only 15-20 minutes away. Over one. hour. later...we arrived. And, the zoo is closed on Mondays :( jajaja So sad. But so funny. We bought an ice cream, took the bus back, and had just enough time to eat something before coming to write. I have a picture of us standing outside the locked zoo. Jajaja worth the try. But it was a relaxing drive. And another adventure for the books. Hna U said that next time, we might as well keep going on the bus another 25 minutes and visit her old sector. jaja oh well.

I love you all!!

Hna Fernelius


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