From 5/19/14
Hello everyone!! I love Mondays, did you know that? :D
Mom, I forgot to tell you again HAPPY MOTHER`S DAYY! There`s a song you can look up on YouTube called "She Put the Music in Me" by Calee Reed. I`ve been listening to it a little this week and it always, without fail, reminds me of you! I love you! I love the picture Dad sent too. It was the best thing ever. Also Mom, at the end of our conversation last Sunday, when Hna M hugged me tight twice, it felt like it came straight from you. It was a special hug, and a tender mercy of the Lord to feel and see it that way.
I just wanted to add a little to what Ash said last week. Family prayer and study is important. I feel very much like, if we do that, you are giving the Lord permission to bless me and Ashley in ways that we very much need on our mission. Do it as much and often as you can. Maybe reading the letters we send together as a family is a good way to do that. It is really important. :)
Last Monday Hna U and I were walking back to our house. It was night outside and dark. As we approached our door, I got a sudden, unexpected shiver all throughout my body that made me jolt. Hna U looked at me like, "What the heck was that?" then I said, "That was weird," and was about to step forward again when Hna U said, "Wait! Scorpion!"
I looked down and right where I was about to put my foot was a little black scorpion. It was sooo cool!!!! It wasn`t dead, but alliiiiiive. We kicked it around a bit to be sure. Then smushed it with a rock. We don`t want it in our house!!!
Also last week, we had interviews with President. He asked me a little about Vegas. I told him the members in LV are strong because there is no gray, only black and white. As members, we are always confronted with opposition, but, when we are firm in our faith in the Lord, we just "say it like it is" without shame or fear. And upon doing that, the other people come to respect us for our beliefs, because they have their own too. (Of course, this critique isn`t absolute, but a general fact about the church and people in Vegas.) He liked that.
Also, Thursday we always have District Meeting and a get-together to establish goals and have a little realigning as a zone. Our zone leaders thought it would be a good idea to do something fun to unite us as a zone a little more. So we played a game in the cultural hall called "Ninja." In this game, we start in a circle and go around one person at a time. Each person can only make one move per turn. The object is to try and slap the other peoples' hands to get them out, while protecting your own hands from the slaps of other people. We all looked like ninjas as we karate-chopped and made ninja sounds when it came to our turn. It was fun. Until...
I wanted to make a big move to defend myself. So I took a HUGE jump to the right when it came to my turn. And slipped hard. The problem was: water on the ground. I`m pretty sure all four of my limbs were in the air all at the same time at one point during that fall. The entire left side of my skirt, tights, and shoe got WET. But, I stood back up so quickly that only Hna C, standing next to me and with her arms still held up in ninja-position, inched forward slightly with a concerned look on her face.
With my hair in disarray (like a lion`s mane), I could only remember myself pointing to the ground and saying, "There`s water there," as if no one had already realized that. We all laughed so hard after that. I think my zone thinks I rock now after that reaction. jejeje. The worst part though, is that not one of the Elders moved an inch to help me. They were all so focused on staying in their ninja stances that I believe they forgot that they were allowed to move to help a fallen ninja -- me. But it turned out so funny that they all realized I was okay. A little wet, but determined to still make some awesome ninja moves that followed. ;)
Yesterday, Hna U and I had the opportunity to teach Gospel Principles (at church). One thing I realized, is that I feel different. We've never taught a class in church before, but I never once felt stressed or nervous. We taught Lesson 16 about the church in La Antiguedad. We even brought an object lesson where they had to try and stuff a boiled egg into a bottle. Impossible. The egg crumbled and only pieces fell into the bottle. We related it to the authority we have on Earth to direct to Gospel of Jesus Christ, or in other words, the Priesthood. The empty bottle represents the world, the person pushing the egg through represents the leaders of the churches on earth, and the egg represents the Gospel. The "world" was only able to get pieces of the Gospel as directed by the "church leader." But it was impossible to give them the whole egg, or the whole truth. What we needed and still need, is the authority (Priesthood). We need a special power to make this possible.
We tried again, but this time, we lit a match, threw it in the bottle, then set the egg on top again.....The object lesson didn`t work. The suction of the smoke in the bottle was supposed to vacuum the egg through in complete form. The match represents the Priesthood authority we have on earth. With it, we can have revelation and modern scripture through the man who holds that proper authority - the prophets and apostles. And the world can therefore receive the Gospel in it`s perfect form and entirety. It was sad the object lesson didn`t work (I think the bottle was a little wet inside), but even after the class, every single person stayed to try the experiment themselves. They were so intrigued jaja. And they participated and I`m pretty sure they understood the concept jaja.
Anyway, I liked this experience for a couple reasons:
1) I`m realizing that, as a missionary, we are able to be prepared at any moment to teach the truths of the gospel. We didn`t have much time to prepare, but that didn`t necessarily scare us. In a little way, we prepare ourselves every day for opportunities and moments like this.
2) The blessing that President Gutierrez gave me when setting me apart is coming true. He blessed me to be able to remember the lessons and experiences I have had in YW`s, Sunday School, Seminary, etc. And I have! It`s incredible that sometimes I get an idea to do an activity or share a quote or idea that is something I had seen or done at some point during my life. It`s amazing that I can remember it here and apply it. It is a huge blessing, because our resources as missionaries is limited. Our internet use is zero except emails on Monday. And we only have the scriptures, pamphlets, and Preach My Gospel as the primary tools of teaching. I have faith in Priesthood blessings. And I have faith in the Priesthood! The prophecies and promises within them, proclaimed by a worthy Priesthood holder, is real. I have experienced the blessings of the promises within them time and time again.
I know that what we are doing here is not in vain. I think about Joseph Smith, Hyrum, and all those that were with them the last day of their lives in Carthage Jail. As the mob rose up the steps leading to their room, as they yelled and pounded the door, as they began the gunfire...Joseph Smith and those faithful men only looked at each other. Knowing this was their end, they only fought to save the last few minutes of their mortal lives. I am sure that they would not have done so - I`m sure they would not have sacrificed their lives nor leave their wives and children husbandless and fatherless - for a book. Their is life in the Book of Mormon. Within it, there is truth. There is every question of the human soul answered in the Book of Mormon. I know it is true. That is why I am here.
18 months is not a long time. I hope that I can start now, tomorrow, and always, to show my conversion to the Lord by strengthening those around me. There are many families here and on the other side that I have a certain level of responsibility over. I was thinking about the paper records we also have to update daily and keep track of, and how it is often difficult to do so after a long and tiring day. But then I think of the ancestors of these people who are on the other side of the veil, and counting on us to take count and take care of their children and family here. And I feel motivated to do better in that respect. Hebrews 13:17 opened my mind to that a little bit.
This work entails so much more than we sometimes realize or are prepared to realize. But, when we give it our all, the Lord compensates for the rest. Our weaknesses don`t have to be weaknesses if we trust in Him to help us. For that reason, I love Him. I love the Atonement He gave for us. Without it, I would feel very inadequate and helpless. I wouldn`t have the desire to "try" or "overcome" in this life, because I would know that it would all be worth...nothing. But, because I believe in Him, because I believe in His promises, His words, His power....I often INVITE Him to give me obstacles so that He can refine me. This mission is a good time for refinement. Refiners fire, even. And that`s what I want, because I have a vision of how I would like to be at the end of all of this. And that`s what motivates me. I know there are many people here to save. There are many people who need help. Sometimes just plain knowing that someone in the world cares, truly cares, about them is all it really takes.
And I am pleased to be that person in whatever way I can. I am farrr from thinking and living as the Savior did. But, I know that I was called here now for a reason. We haven`t had baptisms lately, which is disappointing, but I keep feeling that maybe this transfer isn`t as much about baptisms as it is about helping my companion overcome some difficulties. Maybe it could make all the difference between whether she stays on her mission or goes home. I don`t know. But I know the Lord does.
I love you all soo much!!!! Take care, and pray always as a family! Love youu!!
Hna Fernelius :)
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My view of you :) You`re all so beautiful! :) |
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The moon is so big and bright sometimes!! :) |
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What can I say...[the wall says, "I don't have Fb (Facebook). For that reason I write on this wall"] |
What a strong example of virtue! This week I have felt that, when we have difficulties or barriers, that is the test. And the solution is to just work harder! I put it in my mind to do that this week and, one day when all of our appointments were falling through...I put it to the test. With just 2 or so hours left of the day and not much success in our lessons or finding our investigators, I said a little prayer in my heart. Not long after, we found one investigator walking down the street. Less than 2 minutes later, a member of the ward came walking down the street as well and joined us in a lesson with miembro presente! All set up right before us.
I know the Lord is mindful of us, and blesses us when we earnestly desire to seek His children and do His will.
Have a great week,
Hna Fernelius
Also, in line with the topic of "obedience," I was thinking how important it is. What if Jesus Christ had taken obedience as lightly as we sometimes do?...Holy cow. If that isn`t motivation I don`t know what is. jaja"
I love you all! Take care and have a great week!!
Hna Fernelius
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