Monday, February 3, 2014

I Trust the Lord

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Thanks for all the emails and good news! It just makes me so happy. I skimmed through it because it really is so very difficult to try and read and write everything as well as I'd like too. That's probably the most difficult part of the mission right now. There's a lot of important details that you just may never be able to find out about, which is so very unfortunate. But, it has been another week of the Lord showing how much He is involved in the details of our lives. I had some very personal, very good experiences this week.

After Ashley's district left last Tuesday, I suddenly became an MTC veteran. We became the veterans of 1 week as we welcomed in 3 new distrcits last Wednesday. I got to play the piano for that AND I got to play the keybaord for church on Sunday. Ahhh happiness :). The orgainst here who plays for devotionals on main campus is amazing. Now, I mean, A. MAZE. ING. I creeped across the large multipurpose room and pretended to look for someone whilst my true intention was to sneak a glance @ watching the organist play for a bit heheheh. Ohhh yeahhh tricksy me.

Friday I spent all day on main campus: In-Field. That's the day where we get all the finalized training and mindset we need to embrace the entry into the actual mission field (i.e. Ecuador). I kept a hopeful watch out for someone I knew would be arriving just 2 days before. And guess who I found at dinner....Sister Emily Barnum!! She slipped and called out my name as I came around the long cafeteria tables, almost knocking over an elder trying to get to her. I got to meet her companion, and before leaving, she was able to meet mine. I sat through dinner gazing at absolutely nothing in front of me with a big, silly grin on my face. You can imagine how exciting and uplifted I was to see her! Hna M asked how good of friends we were back home....we told her were are sisters.

I saw her again on Sunday since she sat right behind me at the evening a room of about 1500 people hehe. Very cool.

One week is a lot in my little world these days. So I'll pick some things out.

I'm so much more comfortable teaching investigators now!...Even throwing a little personality in there now, too, which is nice :). I actually have to take a step back and give my companion(s) room to speak. Otherwise, my conversations with the investigators would take off in one direction like a rocket -- all in Spanish :). But I still have a lot to learn. Goodness, yes.

One person we taught (also our teacher who never breaks character) said he was Catholic and only went to church for La Navidad and El Pascua. Later, I tried referring to that comment again in the lesson. "....y como dijiste que va a la iglesia por La Navidad y El Sasquatch....?" There was an extended silence where the investigator and my companion only looked at me in confusion. "You know, Sasquatch? Easter?" My teacher bursted out in laughter. Apparently, even though "Pascua" and "sasquatch" sound similar, only one of them actually means "Easter" in Spanish. Go figure.

Yesterday morning, I became a nomad of sorts. All the sisters in my district left for their mission fields, so I am the lone tiger of the group. Originally, I was supposed to leave this Thursday for Ecuador, which would logically make sense since I already have my passport and VISA in hand. But, for some reason that I am only beginning to understand, the itinerary which I received yesterday informed me that I will be leaving next Monday instead. January 20th. 

You see, the Lord's Hand has been so intimately involved in the details of my life. And His timing continues to be a factor in all of this. Why, when the rest of my district leaves all at once, am I the one who stays at the MTC just a littttle longer. It was no accident; let me explain.

When my companion took the bus to the airport, I was required to join another companionship, initially for only a few days. But one of the sisters in this group of 4 sisters has been severely ill. She was hospitalized on Saturday for health symptoms and conditions that has never been an issue before in her life....until now. Yesterday, the Lord confirmed to us as we spoke and studied together in the apartment that this combination was absolutely no accident. I was able to receive my two week instruction as planned at the MTC. Now, It was my opportunity to be with this sister while her other companions could get all the training they had yet to receive. As we spoke and realized how the timing for both of us to be there at that exact time was so unusual and perfect, I felt that my time at the MTC had finished at that point, and my time in the mission field had already begun. I'm not in Ecuador yet, but since yesterday afternoon Heavenly Father had allowed me to take care of and watch after this sister in ways I do not believe anyone else here could have done. Essential oils, professional advice, symptom prevention, stress relief....and heart to heart conversations. What a blessing. And now the Lord has allowed me to continue to be of assistance to her so that hopefully she may be well enough off soon to be able to engage in her own missionary labors. As of right now, she can't quite walk 15 or so feet without needing close attention and rest. And that is such an improvement from Saturday. 

In the sacrament prayer, one thing really stood out to me this week: "....that they may always have His spirit to be with them..." A lot of times in the church, we describe feeling the Holy Ghost as a 'special event' or something that happens on occasion. But, we know that if we are keeping the commandments of God, we are promised to always, not just 'on occasion' to have that Spirit with us to guide and direct us. Without even knowing it, we are sure to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things that would cause us to be needed at every moment of every day in helping to build God's kingdom. I hope to be able to live so far in the light, that I can act at any moment on what God would have me do or say. We are promised that if we simply "open our mouths, they will be filled." (D&C 33:8?) And I have already been able to experience that here. 

The Lord's work is amazing. It is perfect. And I am so grateful every day to be a part of it.

Love you all!!

Dad, the insoles you got for me are great!!!! Thank you so much!!!

David A Bednar gave a talk called "The Characteristics of Christ." I would give up everything I have right now to be able to watch it again. It will change your life in one hour. Please go watch it. 

Ahh gotta go!!!! Byee :)

Hermana Fernelius #2

I don't think my camera cord is compatible with this computer; my pictures still won't upload. So....sorry about that!!   Love you. BYE!!


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